The Smart Living Lab is located in the Blue Hall at the Bluefactory innovation district, which is affiliated to the Switzerland Innovation network.

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Smart Living Lab
Halle bleue, site de Bluefactory
Passage du Cardinal 13B
CH-1700 Fribourg
+41 21 695 72 23


Main contacts

Sergi Aguacil Moreno

Head of Building2050
Manager of the integration of innovation in the building - EPFL
- project management
- sustainable architectural technology
- design and construction processes

Jean-Philippe Bacher

Smart Living Lab HEIA-FR Manager | ENERGY Institute
Full Professor UAS - HEIA-FR
- efficient energy strategies and regulation
- smart houses or cities
- technology transfer

Martin Beyeler

Institute for Swiss and international construction law
Professor - UNIFR
- construction law
- dispute resolution
- public procurement law

Véronica Cubarle

Smart Living Lab / EPFL Fribourg
Administrative Assistant - EPFL
- project management
- administration

Fabienne Favre Boivin

Head of iTEC Institute
Full Professor UAS/Institute Head - HEIA-FR
- construction
- sustainable drainage systems
- water management

Patrick Favre-Perrod

Head of ENERGY Institute
Deputy Director//Institute Head - HEIA-FR
- energy systems
- renewable energy
- technology transfer

Hans-Georg Fill

Head of Digitalization and Information Systems (DIGITS)
Professor - UNIFR
- building information modeling BIM
- interactions and design processes
- modeling, simulations and algorithms

Corentin Fivet

Head of Structural Xploration Lab (SXL)
Academic Director Smart Living Lab & EPFL Fribourg - Associate Professor - EPFL - EPFL
- low carbon and reusable
- load-bearing systems
- design and construction processes

Martin Gonzenbach

Director of Operations EPFL Fribourg and Smart Living Lab
- modeling, simulations and algorithms
- technology transfer
- administration

Claude-Alain Jacot

EPFL Fribourg
Head of Technical Unit - EPFL
- manufacturing process
- prototyping
- project management

Dolaana Khovalyg

Head of Laboratory of Integrated Comfort Engineering (ICE)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor - EPFL
- energy efficiency
- heat recovery
- heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC

Denis Lalanne

Head of Human-IST Institute
Professor - UNIFR
- data visualization
- human-centered multimodal interfaces
- human-building interaction

Dusan Licina

Head of Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor - EPFL
- human-building interaction
- heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC
- health and comfort in buildings

Bernard Ries

Head of Decision Support & Operations Research (DS&OR)
Professor - UNIFR
- transportation engineering
- smart houses or cities
- modeling, simulations and algorithms

Andrew Sonta

Head of Ethos Lab
Tenure Track Assisstant Professor - EPFL
- sustainable urbanism
- data visualization
- interactions and design processes

Séréna Vanbutsele

Head of TRANSFORM Institute
Full Professor UAS/Institute Head - HEIA-FR
- spatial analysis or planning
- green infrastructures
- sustainable urbanism