Operation, well-being and circularity
Promoting an interdisciplinary approach to shaping our built environment, CISBAT 2023 invites researchers from around the world to three days of scientific presentations and future-oriented dialogue. The hybrid event organized from 13 to 15 September 2023 at EPFL in Lausanne and Smart Living Lab in Fribourg offers an interdisciplinary platform for dialogue, presentations and networking.
Over three days, CISBAT will feature high-level keynotes, thematic sessions, workshops as well as technical visits both on the EPFL Lausanne Campus and at Smart Living Lab. An evening dinner cruise on Lake Geneva will allow networking among participants who attend in person. CISBAT will use a professional hybrid conference platform to allow active remote attendance and networking.
Registration is now open!
- More than 300 papers will be presented.
- Subscribe to the newsletter to receive CISBAT announcements and to the Twitter account for all other news.
- Early bird registration deadline: 15 June 2023
Information about the call
Papers will be published in a CISBAT 2023 special issue of IOP's JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Conference Series, an open access publication indexed by Scopus, ICI WEb of Science, Ei Compendex, etc. (CC BY Licence). For topics and details see Call pages.
CISBAT is organized by EPFL and the Smart Living Lab. Academic partners of the conference are renowned scientists from the University of Cambridge and MIT, backed by a strong international scientific committee and a specialized pool of reviewers. The conference is financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Smart Living Lab.
CISBAT 2023 | International scientific conference on the Built Environment in Transition Swiss Tech Convention Center, EPFL Lausanne & Smart Living Lab, Fribourg

Marilyne Andersen

Barbara Smith
-project management
-communication and event
Details are available at