Concrete reuse techniques with low environmental impact
Project ConcReTe unlocks the value of reused concrete by developing construction systems for concrete blocks taken from demolition sites.
Concrete is one of the main sources of construction waste. Effective concrete reuse can play a significant role in reducing the construction industry’s environmental impact, and it has the potential to kick-start the growth of a new subsector.
Project ConcReTe focuses on the development of reuse methods and products based on concrete poured on-site. Leveraging the combined know-how of local companies (including demolition companies, stone-cutting companies, prefabrication companies, construction companies, etc.), the project aims to manufacture and standardize new construction elements derived from reclaimed concrete blocks.
The utility of the developed elements will be evaluated on the basis of both their technical feasibility and their economic and environmental potential.
A prototype of a training site will be created to demonstrate and promote reuse techniques among actors in the local construction industry (project owners, developers, companies, teachers, students, apprentices, etc.). Raising awareness about the importance of reuse can spark a change in construction practices. New competencies are needed for this to happen, particularly in the area of deconstruction and project conception.
These efforts will contribute to the creation of better awareness and more local know-how in the area of reuse.
In the news
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La démolition d’un bâtiment à Renens donne naissance à quatre projets, batimag, 26.6.2023
Pétanque, plancha et réemploi, Tracés, 4.9.2023