Knowledge-based augmented reality (AR) is an advanced application of AR technology which integrates explicit knowledge derived from conceptual models into AR applications for providing enhanced user experiences. In knowledge-based AR, digital information is superimposed on objects in the real world, allowing users to interact with a digitally augmented environment enriched with relevant knowledge.
This approach leverages the power of conceptual modeling, which involves structuring and organizing domain-specific knowledge in the form of visual diagrams to enhance human understanding. By capturing knowledge within these models, it becomes possible to algorithmically process and extract valuable insights that can be seamlessly integrated into AR applications.
With knowledge-based AR, users can access contextual information, expert guidance, and relevant data overlayed onto their real-world surroundings. This augmented information can assist in complex tasks, training scenarios, and decision-making processes. By leveraging the power of knowledge-driven conceptual models, knowledge-based AR aims to provide users with an enriched perception of reality, allowing them to make more informed and efficient choices within their specific domains. Exemplary applications include the support of users in interacting with complex machines or assembly tasks, ambient assisted living, as well as combining knowledge and building information models (BIM).