Building-integrated photovoltaic analysis to support the development of the Smart Living Lab building based on self-sufficiency and self-consumption filtering the annual irradiation threshold to identify the active surfaces
This project applies a novel methodology for the identification of potentially active surfaces developed by Dr. Sergi Aguacil Moreno in the framework of the doctoral thesis entitled "Architectural Design Strategies for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics in residential building renovation processes" developed at the EPFL LAST laboratory in the framework of the research project ACTIVE INTERFACES.
This approach makes it possible to size the Building-Integrated Photovoltaic installation based on the potentially active surfaces available on the roof and on the façades so as to maximise the synchronisation between energy needs and PV production. The resulting installation provides a trade-off between the self-consumption and self-sufficiency level. This makes it possible to adjust the installation to the energy needs of the building, to obtain a good cost-efficiency level of the installation, to control the expenses in terms of non-renewable primary energy and thus to reduce the carbon footprint of the electricity produced on site as much as possible.