Providing assistance for the formulation and coordination of multilateral research projects
The Building2050 Group has been involved in the development of different research projects on the implementation of innovative systems and technologies to improve the energy efficiency of the built environment.
- BIM-UP (2020–2021), approved under the Nouvelle Politique Régionale Fribourg, focused on the digitalisation of the construction and real-estate sectors
- ASSIST BAT (2019–2023), in the framework of the Interreg Suisse-France programme, provides innovative energy monitoring tools for buildings
- RENOFIT, submitted to the EU Green Deal call
- TRIUMPH, submitted to the EU Green Deal call
The Building2050 Group helped to coordinate the submission of the SWICE (Sustainable Well-being for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy Transition) project to the SWEET2021 call for proposals launched by the Swiss Federal of Energy (SFOE). The submission was successful (announced in 2022) and will be awarded funding. The project started in 2022 and run for eight years.