Crowdfunding project
In partnership with the Energy and Sustainable Development sector of the City of Fribourg, a team of researchers from the HEIA-FR and the Smart Living Lab is launching a crowdfunding call for the construction and experimentation of a pavilion demonstrating natural methods of cooling for an outdoor public space in summer conditions.
DEMO-MI2 is the abbreviation for «démonstrateur mobile de mesures de mitigation microclimatique estivale à l’échelle de la rue», which means «mobile demonstrator of summer microclimatic mitigation measures at street level». It is a research and development project that aims to build and experiment a modular pavilion with a surface area of ~36 m2 capable of offering more comfortable climatic conditions in public spaces subject to the urban heat island effect in summer.

This project, which began in the spring of 2020, is carried out in partnership between the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (HEIA-FR) and the «Energy and sustainable development sector» of the City of Fribourg. Our multidisciplinary team is made up of:
- Marc Vonlanthen, physicist and associate prof.
- Jean-Michaël Taillebois, architect and scientific collaborator
- André Rotzetta, ing. electrician and associate prof.
- Raphaël Compagnon, ing. physicist and associate prof.
- Matias Cesari, architect and scientific collaborator
- Aline Hayoz-Andrey, environmental engineer and sustainable development manager
- Noemie Dick, nature and environment project manager and project coordinator
In June 2021, the pavilion will be set up for the first time at the end of Boulevard de Pérolles on the asphalt square between the long building of the University of Fribourg and that of the HEIA-FR. This location is interesting because the summer climatic conditions can become very uncomfortable there since the site is strongly exposed to solar radiation, has little vegetation and is protected from draughts. The pavilion will remain on this site for a few weeks during which the public will be able to freely come and experience the cooling effect it will provide.
+information on the Wemakeit crowdfunding

Raphaël Compagnon

Marc Vonlanthen
-environmental awareness
-renewable energy
Video of the project in French