Smart Living Lunch

Julien Nembrini, Senior researcher, and Moreno Colombo, Scientist at the Human-IST Institute of the University of Fribourg, will briefly introduce the SWICE interdisciplinary research project, and how the Smart Living Lab will be involved as a Living Lab in validating its research methodology, through the lead of the Work Package (WP1) "The Human dimension of change".

For this Smart Living lunch workshop, both researchers will present more in details:

1) the general purpose of the SWICE WP1 research,
2) its methodology in terms of continuous and anonymous personal data gathering,
3) the possible interventions in the Smart Living Lab context whose effects would be captured with this methodology.

SWICE stands for "Sustainable Well-being for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy transition" and is an 8-year long project funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy involving more than 25 partners across Switzerland, among which 8 living labs. Within this project the WP1 "The human dimension of change", led by the Julien Nembini (UNIFR) and Bernadette Suetterlin (ZHAW), is responsible for providing a methodology for capturing behaviour change in the living labs context.

This event is designed as a short presentation (15-20') followed by an open discussion about the methodology and the possible interventions that potential participants would like to be tried within the Smart Living Lab. It will be followed by a shared lunch at the blue Hall of Bluefactory.

The Smart Living Lab as a case study living lab for the SWICE research project Bluefactory, Halle bleue | Fribourg room HBL0 21A | 11:30-12:30



Julien Nembrini

Human-IST Institute
Senior Researcher- UNIFR
-modeling, simulations and algorithms
-human-building interaction
-user-centered interfaces

Moreno Colombo

Human-IST Institute
PhD Student- UNIFR
-well-being and behaviors
-user-centered interfaces
-human-building interaction


SWICE Project